Who Are We?

We are a church that is loving and welcoming, where people are lifted with the Gospel of grace and faith. We see a contemporary church which teaches God's Word, honours the leading of the Holy Spirit and promotes meaningful relationships.

Associate Pastor Chloe and Travers Nash

Snr Pastor Grant and Linda Peterson

Redeemer Coast is affiliated with Rhema Family Churches, Australia. Ps Grant and Linda trained at Rhema Bible Training Centre, Tulsa OK. and are ordained under Kenneth Hagin Ministries Int.

Identifying Your Stage Of Faith

1. The ‘Baby’ Christian

‘Like new-born babes, crave pure spiritual milk that you may grow thereby…’  1 Peter 2:2

The new Christian is a ‘baby’ Christian. They listen attentively to God’s Word and are learning to apply it in their life. They share their faith with their non-Christian family & friends. They fellowship with other Christians, and willingly give and help at Church.

2. The ‘Young’ Christian

‘As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith …’ Col 2:6

The ‘young’ is a growing Christian. They study God’s Word and learn to apply it in their life. They pray for and reach out to people who don’t know Jesus. They develop supportive Christian relationships and faithfully take responsibility for their ministry. They give purposefully and generously and serve with a good attitude.

3. The ‘Mature’ Christian

‘thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. …’  2 Corinthians 2:14

The ‘mature’ Christian is developing strong faith that overcomes and helping to build faith in others. They lead others to a saving faith in Christ. They lay down their life for others in ministry, and disciple others to be servant leaders. They give consistently, sacrificially and prosper in whatever they set their hand to do!







Available on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts & Spotify Podcasts.

Previous SERIES

Perfected In Love

How You Can Know The Will of God

From Believer to Disciple




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Redeemer Coast:    BSB 034-168  Account 487604

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