The Hundredfold Hearer - by Chloe Huizing

(see Mark 4:1-20 The Parable of the Sower)

 What is the life the Hearer lives if they want to be the good soil; soil which produces thirty, sixty and even a hundredfold? 

The Hearer holds tight onto the Word of God refusing to let it go. When the enemy tries to take away the Word through offence and ignorance, the Hearer deliberately chooses to study and believe God’s Word and the Holy Spirit gives him light.

Then the enemy causes problems to arise in the Hearer's life because of the Word they have heard. The enemy is desperate for the Hearer to reject God’s Word. But the Hearer understands that the Word of God is the answer to his problems and refuses to let the Word leave his heart. The Holy Spirit strengthens him. 

Friends and family don't understand why they are going to church, serving and reading the Bible. They don’t understand why they are talking and acting differently, why they are sharing their faith with others, but the Hearer doesn’t let the opinion of others deter him. 

Worry tries to steal the Word away from the Hearer, questions of doubt arise, trying to lodge in the Hearer's mind, but he doesn’t allow those thoughts stay long. Instead, the Hearer turns to his Bible and to fill his mind with God’s Word. 

The enemy tries another strategy. Sometime later, desires for worldly things begin to distract the Hearer from God’s Word; the desire to earn more money, the desire to achieve more, be more, to live comfortably. These desires try and take over his heart. But the Hearer reminds himself that the priceless eternal value of God’s Word is so much more than what this life could offer him. The Hearer determines to hold onto God’s Word. He is strengthened by the Holy Spirit and refuses to let it go. 

The Hearer is growing in faith. That’s when the Hearer notices how different his life is now. The Holy Spirit is leading and guiding him.

Where fear once dictated his actions, the Hearer has peace and answers from the Word of God. Where the Hearer once lacked, he now has more than enough and plenty to give. Where the Hearer was without purpose, the Hearer now desires to live for God.

The Hundredfold Hearer lives a life with fruit that only the Word of God can produce. The Hearer never stopped truly hearing.

Chloe Huizing


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