‘Just Do It’

‘Just Do It’

Nike are lucky that intellectual property laws weren't around in the 1st century, because leading up to Jesus’ first public miracle, his mother spoke the now famous phrase- “Whatever Jesus says, JUST DO IT!” (John 2:5)

Jesus and his disciples were attending a village wedding- possibly the highlight of the social calendar for that year- and the hosts had run out of wine. Much has been said about the significance of this account, but the simple fact is, the host family’s most wonderful life even was on the downhill track to disaster. There was nothing they could do, they were all out of ideas.

But Jesus’ mother, Mary, knew there was only one solution- whatever Jesus said, “JUST DO IT”.

The absolute irony of this novel, even slightly humorous miracle, is that in one phrase, Mary made one of the most profound and influential theological statements known in the Scriptures. How many miracles have we missed out on, how many problems have we endured, because we believed and acted on our own ideas and strength, rather than trusting God.

Let’s keep it simple, whatever Jesus says- “JUST DO IT!”


Believing, What God Believes About Us


Strength Through Fellowship