What He did for others, he will do for you.

1. What He did for others, he will do for you.

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name. John 20:30-31 ESV

The Bible says that Jesus went about doing good and healing all who the devil oppressed. (Acts 10:38) For those who heard Jesus and those who experienced the healing power of God, Jesus’ ministry was glorious. However, the miracles were also for other purposes. They were also a sign that Jesus was the Christ and an example for us on how we can receive and minister healing (John 10:37-38).

Peter and John demonstrated how to continue Jesus’ ministry when they ministered in his name to the cripple at the Temple in Acts 3:1-8, commanding, “In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene- walk!”. The religious leaders noted that they “had been with Jesus”. Apparently, Peter and John were not self-taught regarding the healing ministry. As the disciples followed Jesus, they observed how he ministered to the sick, listening to what he taught them. Then Jesus commissioned his disciples to do the same things he did (Matthew 10:1). We are Jesus’ disciples, too.  Jesus’ healing ministry has become our healing ministry.  The Gospels record what Jesus “began to teach and do”, and then he commissioned us to continue his ministry (Acts 1:1-2, Mark 16:15-18, Matthew 28:18-20).

Jesus’ healing ministry also shows us how people can receive healing. The woman healed of “an issue of blood” had already heard about Jesus' healing miracles. What she heard inspired her to believe and to act (Mark 5:27). The same applies to us. When we read about Jesus' miracles, our faith is stirred. If we hear, believe, and act, we will participate in Jesus’ healing ministry.

God’s principles for healing apply to every person. If God’s Word works for one person, it will work for everyone. When the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Gentiles in Acts 10:34, Peter realised that “God was no respecter of persons.” God’s Holy Spirit was given to everyone, even the Gentiles, who repented and believed, regardless of their past. All the good things God has for people apply to everyone who will hear, believe, and act upon God’s Word.

God’s promises in His Word are his will for everyone. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Whoever believes in him means anyone and everyone, including you.

If God has promised healing in his Word, that promise applies to you. It gives God glory when we believe him. The Bible says that every single one of God’s promises is for you and me. They apply to us, and they are for us. God receives the glory when we believe, receive, and act on promises. It’s not being presumptuous or manipulating God to take him at his Word- it’s being an obedient and faithful child of God. (2 Corinthians 1:1, John 14:15)

When Jesus healed the sick, he wasn’t just ministering to those people; he was demonstrating how we can minister to the sick and how we can receive healing. Jesus's healing ministry is our example. What Jesus did for others, he will do for you.


Our covenant of healing


He’s the same today!