Characteristics of great faith

Matthew 15:28 “Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.”

There are only two recorded instances in the New Testament where Jesus marvels at a person’s great faith. One was the Roman Centurion, and the other one was the Canaanite Woman, as mentioned in the above Scripture.

What was it about these two accounts that caused Jesus to marvel at their level of faith?

It can be so easy to neglect and become passive about our faith. We tend to think, “Oh, I know all about this faith stuff. I’ve heard this message so many times.”

The danger of that way of thinking is that we think we’re actively believing God because we say we are, but it is important to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or not. (2 Corinthians 13:5) Just because we say we’re believing God, doesn’t mean that we are actively and expectantly believing God. It is essential that we continue to feed our faith on the Word of God and spend time in fellowship with the Father.

We looked at the account of the Canaanite woman yesterday, and there are three key takeaways that we can learn from her great faith.

  1. Great faith is bold.

  2. Great faith knows and argues its case.

  3. Great faith persists.

This woman was willing to stand strong in faith because she knew that Jesus was the only answer for the deliverance of her daughter. She was willing to humble herself so she could access to the grace of Jesus to receive what was not, at that time, available to the Gentiles. By faith, she reached into the New Covenant and accessed what would soon belong to her after the death and resurrection of Jesus!

But now, living on the other side of the cross, everything that Jesus bought and paid for belongs to us! Healing is part of our In Christ identity! So we now say “Yes and amen” to God’s promises and it brings God glory when we walk in His promises!

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.




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