Knowing Him Personally




The truth is that humanity has missed it. 

In spite of this, God wants a relationship with us. He loves us so much that He chose to reveal Himself in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.



God loved us so much that He made a way for us to come to Him. It's not based on whether we are “worthy”. WE CANNOT EARN HIS LOVE. The Bible says that GOD loved the world so much that He gave His only Son that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Jesus is the Son of God, given for mankind. 

God made it easy for us to be in relationship with Him through His Son Jesus. Jesus told us in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: no ONE comes to the Father except by Me.”

Jesus died on the cross for US. He took our sins upon Himself. Jesus suffered the CONSEQUENCES OF OUR SIN, and as a result we have been redeemed (purchased from our own destruction). The price has been paid for you and me , all that is left for us to do is receive it. 


How do you respond to Jesus? The Bible says in Romans 10:9 “If you shall confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.”

It is that easy! Jesus already did the work, all that's left now is for us to receive the gift of Jesus Christ. If you haven’t yet made that decision, you can right now. Simply say the following simple prayer from your heart:

“Jesus, I thank You for dying on the cross for me. I repent of my sins, and I believe that God raised You from the dead. I receive You as my Lord and my Saviour. Come into my life and show me your goodness. I choose to follow You from this day forward.”
— Romans 10:9

You are now part of God's family.

You are His child and you have access to everything God has made available in Jesus Christ. Jesus CHANGES lives. 


If you just prayed that prayer, we'd love to connect with you and gift you some resources that will help you in your new life. 

Click the button below to get in touch.

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