God Our Confidence
Chloe Entz preaches a passionate message that inspires us to put our confident trust in God.
Our Father In Heaven
Guest minister Colin Doherty shares a powerful message about our Father in Heaven, encouraging us to allow God to work in our lives as our Heavenly Father.
Supernatural VS Natural Forgiveness
The way God forgives and the way humans forgive is very different. Pastor Grant delivers a powerful message on the way that God forgives us unconditionally, and expects the same of us towards others.
A Unique and Precious People
Guest Minister Colin Doherty shares an invigorating message, reminding us how God calls us His children, and what that means for our lives today.
The ABC's of Grace - Part Five
Grace allows us to walk the path that God has laid for us, without turning back again towards works, or sliding back into sin.
The ABC's of Grace - Part Three
Grace doesn't stop at unmerited favour; God has provided greater grace for living in His plans and purposes. When we humbly choose to pursue His plan, we avoid the delusion of pride and experience this grace He has made available to us.
The ABC's of Grace - Part Two
Grace is a demonstration of the value that God places upon each of us.
The ABC's of Grace - Part One
Grace is perhaps the most fundamental Christian belief. Pastor Grant Peterson begins a new series dealing with grace, starting with "what is grace?"
Faith Must Be Released
We release our faith by speaking according to what we believe. Jesus modelled this for us time after time, providing us with a blueprint by which to release our own faith to change our circumstances.
The Lamb of God
Guest Minister Pastor Colin Doherty shares a victorious message about who we are in Christ.
Thanksgiving: Creating a Milestone for Your Victory
Guest Minister John Huizing examines the link between miracles and thanksgiving.
What is Faith?
Faith has everything to do with what we truly believe. Listen as Pastor Grant Peterson shows how simple faith is meant to be.