Fruit that Remains

John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”

God has chosen us to bear fruit for His glory! In order for us to produce fruit that remains, we need to abide in Jesus. Abide in His love and abide in His Word. 

Two definitions of abiding are:

  1. To live closely with. 

  2. Refuse to be moved from your position. 

Abiding in Jesus means that we live in close relationship with Him where His love is our home. The daily habit of spending time with Him, in His Word and choosing to believe what He says about us is how we ensure we remain connected to Him, the true vine. When we live in close fellowship with Him, we produce fruit from His nature. Paul prays in Colossians chapter one that we would be filled with the knowledge of His will,  that we would produce fruit, and that we would increase in the knowledge of God as we live our lives well pleasing in His sight. Producing fruit is not a struggle for us when we remain in close fellowship with Jesus. 

There will be times when thoughts and feelings of guilt and condemnation come to us, accusing us of not being worthy, not being good enough. But to remain connected to the True Vine, we must learn to identify those thoughts as lies from the enemy and our flesh and cast them down with the truth of God’s Word. This is where we must refuse to be movedfrom our position in Christ. The truth of what God has done in us through the work of Jesus is more powerful than any flaming dart of accusation from the evil one. When we cast down those lies and emotions, we actually function in our place as the “branch” in the relationship of the vine and the branch. We know who our source is, and we’re not moving from the True Vine who gives us true life. 

Remaining fruit begins with Jesus. He calls and chooses us to go and produce fruit. That’s why it is essential that we remain in true and genuine fellowship with Him. We organise and prioritise our time to ensure that He is our life source and that we abide in Him. 

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you. 




The First Principles of the Kingdom of God


I Am the True Vine