Found in Christ

Philippians 3:7-8 "But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ."

In the world we live in, it is common for people to identify with different things, whether it be gender, race, feelings, family, words spoken over them, gifts, talents, etc.

When we are Born Again, our identity is found in Christ. The apostle Paul discovered that when he surrounded his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, what he once identified with was now worth nothing because he understood that his value was not based on his own achievements but on what God said about him.

Pastor Grant made a very impactful statement yesterday: "We can choose what our image is, but we cannot determine the truth."

When people identify themselves with things other than what God has said about them, comparison, jealousy, envy, and blaming occur. Our true identity can only be determined by the Creator Himself, the One Who is all and entirely truth; that is God.

When we choose to agree with God and say what He says about us, our identify is firmly fixed and cannot be shaken by what others say, what our emotions say, or even what our actions say.

If God says we are right standing with Him, that settles it!

If God says you are valuable and worth His Son's life, that settles it!

If God says you are blessed and highly favoured, that settles it!

I encourage you this week to look in the Word of God, find what He has said about you and start speaking those same things about yourself!

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.




Agree with God!


The Good Soil Part 2