The Good Soil Part 2

Luke 8:15 “But the ones that  fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.”

The desire of our heart is to be the good soil that produces fruit. Living a fruitful life means that we walk in the promises of God in our own lives, but we also get to be a blessing to others. Living a fruitful life brings God glory. (John 15:8)

The Good Soil holds fast to the Word of God, acts upon what they see in God’s Word, and they bring forth fruit with patience. 

When we understand the value of something, we ensure that we do what is necessary to protect and cherish what is valuable. 

 The other types of soil that Jesus talks about all let go of the Word of God for different reasons; trials, persecutions, anxieties, cares of this life and distractions are all things that can hinder someone from being that soil that produces fruit. 

The person whose heart is good soil understands the value of God’s Word and refuses to let it go. 

We can be good soil but ensure we:

  1. Hold fast to God’s Word

  2. Act upon the light that we have. 

The good soil approaches the Word of God with the expectation to understand and act upon what they hear. When we value God’s Word and act upon it, we will receive more light, revelation and understanding of God’s Word. 

That means fruitful lives that impact those around us. 

We at Redeemer Coast are of those whose hearts are good soil. We hear God’s Word, understand His Word, and act on what He reveals to us. This is our lifestyle! 

There are things that God has for each one of us this week, He is revealing and making Himself real to us! There is light and insight in store for you this week! 

Receive that by faith and say, “God, I believe that the eyes of my heart are enlightened, and I know the hope of your calling.” (Ephesians 1:18)

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you. 




Found in Christ


The Value of a Human Life