The strength of Abiding

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Having a real, genuine relationship with God the Father is absolutely essential to living victoriously in this world. Everything in life comes back to relationships, but the most important one is the place we give God in our lives.

Jesus said He is the “true Vine, and apart from Me, you can do nothing.”

Trials and tests come to everyone, but for those who abide in the true Vine have a source of supply that is not from this world or limited to their own ability. Jesus knew that for us to overcome in this world, we would need Him, and that is why He said to His disciples, “Abide in Me.”

Jesus used the example of a branch connected to a vine. In order for that branch to produce fruit, it had to be deeply rooted and connected to that vine. A branch can outlast any storm if it is completely connected to the source of strength: the vine.

This is why abiding in Jesus is how we overcome any test or trial of life. Praise God that He is not the source of trials and problems; He is the source of strength and grace to overcome those trials. (James 1:13)

Abiding in Jesus is simple; it is not complicated. It means that we know, first of all, Who our Source is, and we choose to meditate on the Word of God and allow His Word to be deeply rooted in our hearts. (Colossians 3:16)

When we experience trials and tests, our thoughts and words tend to focus on the issues. However, rather than focusing on what’s around us, instead, we focus on Jesus and abide in His strength.

We are those who choose to remain in the true Vine, and we refuse to let go of His Word in our hearts! No matter what is happening around us, we remain connected to His supply, strengthening our hearts.

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.




Bridle the Mouth


Choose to Forgive