Faith you can see!

Mark 2:5, 10-11: “And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—He *said to the paralytic, “I say to you, get up, pick up your pallet and go home.”

In this passage, we read about a man who had been paralysed. He had been in this situation long enough for four friends of his friends to drag him over to see Jesus. These friends knew that the only answer for their friend was to bring him to the feet of Jesus.

Can you imagine the effort that these friends put into dragging this paralysed man to get to Jesus? And when they had finally gotten to the house, there was no room for them! The effort it would have taken for them to drag him to the roof of this house, dig a hole large enough for this man to be lowered into, and slowly lowered him down in front of Jesus.

The scene that this would have been is comical to think about.

But this was not some random act. These men believed in what they heard about Jesus. They believed it enough that they were determined to see their friend healed. They were determined to act on what they heard and wouldn’t let any inconvenience hinder them from acting on what they knew to be true.

It was this action of faith where Mark 2:5 says, “And Jesus SEEING their faith…”

Faith can be seen! When we act upon what we believe, the power of God is activated in our lives.

It’s important that we take time to meditate and locate where our faith is.

To what extent do we believe God and His Word?

How much do we meditate and ponder His Word?

Are we willing to stand on His Word regardless of what the situation says?

Are we willing to act on His Word even when, in the natural, it seems ridiculous?

These four men would’ve looked crazy to others. I’m sure they would have experienced thoughts of doubt and unbelief as they saw how full that house was, But what they believed in their heart about the healing power of Jesus was what caused them to continue to ensure that their friend made it to Jesus, no matter what.

That man came into that house one way, but he left that house totally different! He was forgiven and healed!

What do you sense in your heart the Lord has been prompting you to act on?

Never underestimate the power of obedience to God’s promptings. The smallest instruction can lead to marvellous miracles.

As you grow in faith, the Holy Spirit will lead you to do things that are in line with God’s Word; He will help you to act on your faith. Trust God’s leading, He knows exactly how to help you receive your miracle.

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.




Faith in Action


foundation for healing