Faith in Action

Mark 5:27-28 When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.”

This woman in Mark chapter five was dealing with a long-term illness. One that the doctors at that time pronounced incurable.

What is amazing about this woman was that when she heard about Jesus, she didn’t shrug off those reports and think that her situation was too hopeless for any sort of power to fix her. When she heard the reports of Jesus that He healed, hope in her heart began to arise. She opened her heart to the possibility that this was the answer she had been waiting for.

Living in this world that we do, discouragement comes quickly. When we constantly look at the problem we are facing, it can be easy to become bitter and think that this is all we will ever experience. This is how the woman with the issue of blood could have done. After twelve years of failing treatments and spending everything that she had on these treatments, she could have become bitter. But we can see from Scripture that when she heard about Jesus, she didn’t shrug off what she heard. She opened up her heart and allowed herself to believe that Jesus was the answer she needed.

She kept saying to herself, “If I touch His clothes, I will be made well.” In some translations, it says, “for she kept saying to herself.” In other words, she kept talking her answer rather than her problem. It came to the point where she was fully convinced that her next step was to go to Jesus and touch His garments.

She acted on her faith. She wanted her miracle and was prepared to do whatever it took to receive it. Even if that meant walking into a crowd of people, she most likely crawled on her knees to get to His garment and take what was available to her based on the reports she had heard about Him.

Of course, we know how it ended: Jesus felt power go from Him, and He looked around to see who touched Him.

The disciples were shocked at the question Jesus asked because everyone was touching Him, but only one person received power for their healing, and that was this woman who was now healed from her disease!

Receiving from Jesus is simple. No situation or circumstance is too difficult or complicated that the blood of Jesus can’t redeem. That includes your situation. Whenever you face something that looks hopeless, do what this woman did in Mark chapter five: open your heart to become fully persuaded by what God has said, and then act on what you believe.

Remember, under the New Covenant, we’re not trying to get healed; we are the healed; we’re simply reinforcing what already belongs to us as children of God.

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.




The Great CO-mission


Faith you can see!