The Kingdom of God is led by the Spirit
Heaven is such a wonderful place because we know that God’s will is being there. Pure love, pure peace, pure righteousness, pure holiness, everything that is good and right is done there because God’s will is being accomplished there.
Jesus prayed, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
We are told to pray in like manner. (Matthew 6:10)
Of course, God wants His will to be done on earth. But He needs people who are willing to find, follow, and fulfil His will.
God has a purpose and plan for every single person on the earth! But it is up to the person whether they are going to choose to follow that plan.
It is our joy and responsibility to seek God’s will for our lives!
To experience the Kingdom of God in our lives on earth, we must learn to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.”
God leads us by and through His Spirit. It requires us to learn how to recognise His leading.
In Romans chapter 8, Paul describes three primary roles of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit leads us
The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit about who we are.
The Holy Spirit helps us to pray.
God knew we needed help, so He sent us the Helper!
When we take the time to learn how to hear His leading, we will walk out the purposes and plans of God’s Kingdom. We will be the one’s that God can use to implement His will on the earth.
I encourage you today to take the time to learn the voice of the Holy Spirit. One of the primary ways to recognise His voice is to be intimately familiar with the Word of God. God’s Word is His will and the Holy Spirit will always lead us in line with God’s Word. As we renew our minds to God’s Word, we become equipped to be able to discern what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God for our life! (Romans 12:2)
Praise God for the wonderful, precious Holy Spirit!
Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.