Thoughtful articles, ideas and truths
Developing Your Spirit, Your Soul and Your Body
Our emotions and beliefs can affect how we hear God’s voice and hinder us from receiving his best for our lives.
The Difference Between Spirit, Soul and Body
To learn to be led by the Holy Spirit we need to learn to be able to discern and listen to our own spirit.
“Shut Up … Or You’ll Blow It!”
The very least we can do is NOT work against God by speaking words of doubt and fear!
Cooperating With God
There are things we can do to cooperate with the will of God in our lives and there are things we can do that hinder His will.
Why Christians Miss It (Pt 2) : The Hierarchy Of God's Leading
Christians often miss the leading of the Holy Spirit when they miss-understand how God leads us. There’s an order of importance, a hierarchy in being led by the Holy Spirit.
Why Christians Miss It : The Top Five Reasons
Let’s admit it, sometimes Christians make the worst decisions and God gets the blame!
Identifying with Jesus
On the cross, Jesus identified with us, taking the consequences of our sin. ‘Identification’ is a spiritual principle.
Being Free
Most of us are constantly measuring our worth and value by our actions. This means that we are still under a ‘works’ mentality- we have a sin consciousness.
The Only Answer To The Problem Of Sin
Recently, I was in a Christian bookshop flicking through chapter headings of a book. A particular chapter caught my eye, it was titled ‘Is Christianity A Superior Morality?’.
How Can I Release My Faith?
Your faith is what you believe, those things of which you have a firm conviction. But your faith will do you no good until it is released.
What We Believe is Important
The promises of God are not automatically fulfilled in our lives, in this life at least.