Thoughtful articles, ideas and truths
The Gospel of Friendship
The Gospel is good news for our relationships. It’s good news for our relationship with the Father, with each other and with non-Christians.
The Faith "ON" Switch
Keeping our faith switched on is taught in Mark 11:22-24. It’s precisely how God uses faith.
Hidden in Plain Sight
The amazing thing about Rosaria’s saving testimony was that for a decade, Rosaria was ‘hidden in plain sight’, from the Christians in her community. Christians saw her as the ‘enemy’. Except for one elderly Presbyterian minister, who treated her as a loved and valued human being.
The Call That Will Change Your Life
The knowledge of God’s call on our life has the potential to transform our lives from an ordinary one to an extraordinary life of joy and purpose.
Just A Survivor
In the early days of the second Gulf War, a young US private named Jessica Lynch was captured by the Iraqi military. Most of her squad died in the roadside ambush. The initial reports were that she put up a valiant fight, been shot a couple of times and suffered some severe wounds.
Love Restoration
Hosea had been betrayed by his wife, Gomer. He had obeyed God and chosen a wife who was a harlot. For a while, things seemed to go well. However, Gomer’s past gradually returned to haunt her.
Unrequited Love
The great tragedy is that we can have a ‘head knowledge’ of God’s love for us, but emotional scars and patterns of hurt keep us from living and experiencing the depths of His love.
Looking Out For Each Other
In John 13, Jesus made one of his most potent demonstrations of how Christians are to love each other when he washed the disciple’s feet. Jesus was demonstrating humility. However, there was much more to Jesus' actions than just a lesson on servanthood.
Returning to Love
In spite of what popular culture says, people don’t just wake up one day and fall out of love. We can fall out of trees, or fall off a ladder, but we can’t fall out of love.
Love That Never Gives Up
Who’s glad that God never gave up on them? I sure am. God puts up with a whole bunch of mess from us and still keeps on loving us.
God Our Strength
We always have such hope in Jesus. No matter what circumstances we may be facing, whether big or small, Jesus is our victory.
Our Father Revealed
Everything Jesus did on the earth was to show us the Father’s heart towards us. Every healing miracle, every provision miracle, the way Jesus treated people, every deliverance, and of course, dying on the cross was all a demonstration of God’s heart towards humanity.
A Practical Approach to Forgiving
It is one thing to talk about forgiveness; it is another thing entirely to forgive. For the number of lessons we hear on the act of forgiving, it still seems too often that the proper way to do it can be difficult to express. What does it mean to forgive, practically?
Supernatural VS Natural Forgiveness
There is something about stories of forgiveness that strike a chord in our hearts. Didier's story is one like this.
Didier, from Columbia, was eleven years old when his mother was shot dead in a hail of bullets as he watched helplessly.
Redeeming Relationships - Part II
God is in the business of restoring relationships. It is the number one mission of the Holy Spirit and the greatest miracle we can experience.
Redeeming Relationships - Part I
Relationship is the central theme of Bible, our relationship with God and our relationships with each other.
"Was that You, God?" (Or, How to Judge Prophecy.)
So… someone you barely know comes up to you and says, “I believe God wants me to give you a word…” and then proceeds to tell you about what God wants for your life…