Thoughtful articles, ideas and truths
“Unless The Lord Build The House …”
Who can we best trust to govern our lives- the ‘lord’ Me, or the Lord Jesus Christ?
How We Became Friends With God- Again
As children, we learn about sin, and the 'apple' and how sin separates us from God. But why does sin separate us from God? Genesis 3 records the breakdown of humanity's relationship with God. It's worth having a closer look at what transpired in the Garden.
The Purpose Of Knowing God
The serious purpose of know God is so we may have the life that comes through a relationship with Him.
More Sassy Faith
We can rightly say, “I know I have the victory; I am more than a conqueror.”
We All Need Fresh Encounters With Grace
We need to break free from the feeling that we have to be good to be loved by God.
An Encounter With Grace
The power of sin that held that her in bondage all those years - had just meet its match!