The Call: The Value of the Gospel
When we recognise the power of the gospel to change our lives, we become empowered to share it with others.
The Call: Being A Witness
God has selected us to be His ambassadors to the world; if we don't go, no one else will!
The Call: Go Ye Therefore
When all is said and done, it comes down to whether or not we will answer the call, and GO to the ones around us!
The Call: Adding Value to Your Life
We discover the value of others when we realise the value God has placed on our own lives.
The Call: Hidden in Plain Sight
The call of God on each of us to reach our world isn’t somewhere “out there”, but often it’s hidden right in front of us in the people we see everyday.
The Call: His Workmanship
Jesus has given each of us a place in His purpose and plan, and part of His finished work are the opportunities in our world to minister to those around us.
The Call: The Resurrection Is Just the Beginning
Jesus continues His work through us! The resurrection was the signal that the great things Jesus had begun to do were only just getting started.
The Call: The Value of the Call
Chloe Entz brings a stirring message about the privilege and honour it is to be called by God, and encourages us to place value upon that calling.
Looking Out For Each Other
Pastor Grant teaches an important message about how we are to follow Jesus example in loving others daily.
It's Love, Actually
Pastor Grant Peterson continues to teach on the way God takes our love walk personally.
Love That Endures
Pastor Grant Peterson delivers an impacting message about God’s love. His love endures long, and refuses to give up on; we are challenged to do the same for the people in our world.
The Love Shaped Hole
Pastor Grant continues his series, "Redeeming Relationships" with a talk about the basic desire we have for unconditional love from our Father.
Positioned in God's Love
Guest Minister Rev Colin Doherty continues teaching on the nature of God's love towards us as our Father, and the ways in which we can unleash or constrict His love towards us.