The Great CO-mission

Mark 16:19-20 So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.

There is a God-given assignment upon your life. Whether you realise it or not, God has called you, graced you and equipped you to reach others.

It can be so easy to think that preaching the Gospel is intimidating. It's only for preachers or special types of people with bold personalities, but the truth is that if you are Born Again, God has called you to preach the Gospel. It may not look like standing behind a pulpit and speaking publicly, but you do have a ministry, and God needs you to fulfil His plan for your life.

That's why it's called the great COmmission. It's not just you on your own trying to work up the boldness to try and talk to someone about Jesus, it is you and God working together to reach the people around you. It is much more simple than we think. It first starts with us being willing to be a witness. When we're willing and open to God using us for His purposes, He then can work in us to help us grow in what He has given us.

I've seen people who didn't know where to start when it came to preaching the Gospel, but they were hungry for God and wanted to serve Him in any that they could. It was that hunger that God was able to begin working in them the desire to serve in their local church, and as they were faithful in serving they grew in their God-given gifts and became more bold to talk about Jesus in other areas of their life. Their lifestyle is a witness. Their joy is a witness. Their influence is a witness. It all started with them being willing for God to use them.

Sometimes, we think that we have to go about witnessing, but rather, we are to BE a witness. Our lives are a witness to the goodness of Jesus.

Don't fall into the deception that preaching the Gospel for someone else. Be quick to be open and willing to hear what God wants to do in you and through you. You will be amazed at the boldness that begins to grow inside of you as you follow His leading to be a witness.

Remember, we love you, and we are praying for you.




Only Believe


Faith in Action