Thoughtful articles, ideas and truths
I Found: An Awesome God
It seems the need for justice and ‘fairness’ is one of our most basic human desires. People recoil from the idea that they have been treated unjustly. But who decides what is fair or just. Against what do we measure fairness?
I Found God: The Righteous God
It seems the need for justice and ‘fairness’ is one of our most basic human desires. People recoil from the idea that they have been treated unjustly. But who decides what is fair or just. Against what do we measure fairness?
I Found: A Gracious God
Faithfulness is not merely what He does; faithfulness is who God is. It's His nature. We can't separate faithfulness from God. The entire world, nature, galaxies, oceans, people, are all dependant upon God's faithfulness. If He didn't keep His Word, the earth would cease to exist.
I Found: A God Who Is Love
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but it is because the Lord loves you.
I Found God: The Holy God
The Bible talks about God’s Holiness more than it talks about His power, His omnipotence or His omnipresence- combined.
I Found God: The God Who Wants To Know You
How could I, being infinitesimally small on a scale of the universe, with my trivially small brain, that struggles to remember where I put the car keys, possibly hope to know and understand God?
The Search for God
How could I, being infinitesimally small on a scale of the universe, with my trivially small brain, that struggles to remember where I put the car keys, possibly hope to know and understand God?
Eternal Optimists
Whatever the situation we're facing, or about to face, remember this, we are eternal optimists.
A 'Word' of Warning: How Will End Times Persecution Commence And How Will You Respond?
After intense persecution and after many Christians had fallen away, the Church was refined and later re-grouped and grew stronger. But so devastated were those who remained by the betrayal of their brethren that there was a great debate about whether they should be accepted back into the Church.
Unless you act on your faith, it’s not going to be any good to you. Faith is released by acting on it.
Growing Strong In Faith
God wants us to grow strong in faith. The obstacles that stand between us and the fulfilment of God’s promise in our lives are not too big for God. They may seem too big for our faith, but they are not too big for God. So what has to change? Our faith has to change! If Abraham grew strong in faith- then we can grow strong in faith.
How To Know If You Have Faith
Jesus taught that our faith is critical in how God is able to work in our lives. If our faith is a determining factor in receiving from God, then it would be a good idea to answer the questions; “what is faith and do I have it?”
Faith Thanks God - Before Seeing
Faith is thankful for the answer before it sees the answer because it already believes it has received what it desires!
The Prayer Of Faith is different to other types of prayer. It is confident of God’s will and is spoken with authority.