Thoughtful articles, ideas and truths

Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Seek after God's Best!

The things that God has for each one of us are far greater, more rewarding and fulfilling than anything that this world can offer us. God has a plan for your life, and His plan is far over and above all that you could ask or think. 

Walking in God’s plan for our lives doesn’t happen automatically; it is something that we must seek after and hunger for.

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Seek and Set

Colossians 3:1-2

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

The way we see ourselves and what we allow to define our identity will determine the outcome and direction of our life. We are Born Again Believers, have been recreated in the exact likeness as Jesus! We have been raised with Christ and given a new spiritual identity, with a God-given authority to rule and reign on this earth just like Jesus. 

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Equipped by His Spirit

John 16:7 Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

Jesus said that it is to our advantage that He go away and return to the Father so that He could send the Holy Spirit to us. As Born Again believers, we have the very Spirit of God living in us to lead, guide, help, comfort, and empower us! 

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Saved + Raised + Seated

We are Born Again, children of the Most High God! When we made Jesus Lord of our lives, we were made e a new creation! What God says we are and the way God sees us is the truth. 

We are saved, risen and seated with Christ in the heavenly places. 

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

The Dedicated Life

Each one of us has a God-given call upon our lives. We are called to represent His voice, His will, His purposes and His plan on the earth. That is why it is so vital that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice as unto the Lord. 

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

We Choose Where We Win!

We are in a fight; whether we want to be or not, we are in a spiritual battle! The enemy aims to minimise the effect of the Kingdom of God in our lives and to minimise the effect of the Kingdom of God shining through to reach others. Satan does this through deceiving thoughts to build a stronghold in our minds.

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast


Jesus won! He defeated the enemy, and now we have been given the authority to rule and to reign in this life. (Romans 5:17)

Colossians 1:13-14 says that we have been transferred out of darkness and into the Kingdom of His dear son. We once were dominated and manipulated by the devil, but when Jesus came, He disarmed the rulers and authorities of darkness, and He delegated His authority to us, the Church!

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

How to Fight a Defeated Foe

When Jesus died on the cross, He completely disarmed and stripped the devil of his power! Since we are Born Again and In Christ, Jesus' victory is our victory! The devil is a defeated foe, and yet he still goes around like a roaring lion.

How do we, as believers, fight a defeated enemy?1 Peter 5:8-9 tells us exactly what we're supposed to do.

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

The Law of the Spirit of Life

For the Born Again, child of God, the law of the Spirit of life that is found in Jesus is working in us! Righteousness, holiness, and justification is the life that comes from the Spirit, and it belongs to us because of the resurrection of Jesus. Condemnation, guilt, and shame work death, and we don’t have to yield to it anymore because we are free from the law of sin and death.

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

No Condemnation! Nope, not at all!

There is absolutely no condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus! We are called to live in the freedom that the gift of righteousness brings. Freedom to come boldly before our Heavenly Father knowing that He has made us worthy, freedom to declare the promises of God over our lives, freedom to expect God’s goodness to manifest in every area, and the freedom to resist any sense of condemnation or unworthiness.

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Declared Righteous!

Why can we, as believers, have strong faith?

We can have strong faith because we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

The righteousness of God is not earned by our own works or our trying to be “good enough” to earn God’s promises. God’s righteousness is made complete and final by the blood of Jesus.

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

The Gift of Righteousness

One of the reasons we can have strong faith is because we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Righteousness means to be in right standing with God. That means the righteous ones have the right and privilege to come boldly to the throne of grace and approach the Father in confidence. (Hebrews 4:17)

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

The Great Exchange

Jesus bore our griefs, and He carried our sorrows! What a wonderful truth that is!

It’s the great exchange! He took and carried what we could not carry, and He gave us His joy, His peace, His strength, and His power so that we could live this life, not in our own ability, but in His.

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Activate God's Covenant

Everything we would ever need in this life, God, in His lovingkindness, put it all in a covenant that is sealed by the blood of Jesus.

That means that there is no situation or circumstance that is bigger than the covenant that we are in!

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Anchored Souls

We live in a world where everything changes constantly. We go through different seasons of life, relationships, jobs, routines, patterns, politics, etc. We’re used to change, so how can we live strong, secure and victorious lives in a constantly changing world?

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Our Covenant Keeping God

One of the main reasons that we can trust in God is because He is a God who keeps His covenant. Covenant is not a common word that we use in our culture, but it is a powerful truth found in the Bible, from beginning to end.

God made a promise to mankind that at the right time, He would send a Saviour, Jesus! And because He is a covenant-keeping God, Jesus came!

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

Ordained to Reign!

We are created to rule and reign in this life!

Rather than let circumstances rule and reign over us, we have been created to rule and to reign over circumstances.

The life of a believer is not one of defeat, loss, and suffering; instead, it is one of victory, triumph and dominion!

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Redeemer Coast Redeemer Coast

He is and He is the Rewarder

Our faith in God is what is pleasing to Him.

Whoever comes to God must believe two things:

  1. That He is 

  2. He rewards those who seek Him

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